

Writer's Profile

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I am a lady of grace in my early forties who loves the Renaissance period and other historical eras. My passion is to travel the Faire and Festival circuit trying out the various personalities and the great costumes from great periods in history. I will be traveling the circuit of time with you and sharing all my great adventures. I will share my favorite costumes with you as we explore customs and fashion from all over the world. A little theater might be the talk of the day or sailing down the Nile. A dashing prince might be rescuing me from castle towers or I'll be riding along side Joan of Arc in battle. I'll share some of my secrets with you as we travel the world through time together.

Romantic Notions

Fanciful is the heart that with passion flows. Love blossoms in the pulsating fire. Two hearts entwine fulfilling desire. The embers meld two hearts into one.

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Spring Fever Opens the Heart to Exploring Passions

'Tis me Knight in shining armor wining and dining me on me birthday.

There is love in the flowers and in the face of a beautiful small child. Spring opens the gateway to feelings that get isolated in the wintertime. It is amazing how the blossoms springing forth on the trees, the sun shining more and gentle spring rains will open the tender feelings of the heart. Flowers blooming seem to be the final step in opening a heart that has been in meloncholy throughout the winter. It is a mystery to me. Have you ever thought about the relationship between springtime and love?

Do you know what causes the spring fever and amorous feelings to awaken?

For centuries, spring fever is a phenomenon that has been documented and studied. Poets have written sonnets about the aching love and desires that plague their hearts. In the springtime, these longings increase and are more likely to be acted upon. Credit for these feelings goes to the amount of melatonin decreasing in the spring and summer, with April and May being the dominant months for spring fever. Science notes that temperature matters, and room temperature is the model for the height of spring fever love. When the summer heat rises, the love fever calms down. Amazing, isn't it?

Science aside, I want to describe for you how I feel at the advent of spring and what my desires drive me to do and to seek.

Sleep becomes a bother to me as I awake to the fresh clean smell of the morning just before the sun rises. The dew moistening the air feels good to my skin and I feel like rushing naked into the stream of a lush flowing waterfall that runs the course of mountain rocks. I want to feel the clean brisk fresh smelling water on my body so I will be invigorated. My heart pounds a little faster at the thought of being in the wild in nature and standing naked before God, the mountain, the water and the sun. The feeling is primal. Pure existence. Simple and vibrant, totally alive.

It is springtime. I want to frolic through the wet green grass in the morning with my lover after immersing in the waterfall. We hold hands laughing and frolicing as the sun rises above the horizon to greet us. I lay a blanket on the ground where my lover and I will lay and share caresses and lovemaking. Afterwards, we talk endlessly about our jubilant plans for the spring and summer to come.

Time stands still and nothing outside this bliss matters. It is only my love and I basking in the morning sun, totally alive and in love with each other and life.

Ren Faire Reese


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Love is More than a Love Song

Love songs are the voice of the heart singing out it's emotions with lyrics and melodies that can invoke passion, joy, sorrow or bliss. Love songs are the epitome of love's expression. Yet love is more than a love song.

Words are spoken to describe love and its meaning in poems, sonnets, ballads, songs. Traditions call for gifts of candy and flowers. Serenading someone with music played by a violinist in a restaurant while eating a romantic candlelight dinner is supposed to be the ultimate expression of romantic love.

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From Pirate Dirges to Romantic Fantasies

This might be a turn in your mind to find the renfairereese you all know as the pirate queen on a blog about romance, but don't be downhearted. My pirate adventures and ren faire fun will continue on all my other venues. This site is just an extension of my personality.